Ecoconsult was established in 2003 by Iain Corbyn MA (Oxon) MSc MCIEEM CEnv. Ecoconsult is based near Oxford and works mainly in Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Berkshire, Wiltshire, London as well as adjoining counties. Our varied client base includes local authorities, statutory agencies, developers, conservation bodies, landowners and individuals.
Iain Corbyn
Director, Principal Ecologist
Iain Corbyn MA (Oxon) MSc MCIEEM CEnv is the Director and Principal Ecologist at ecoconsult. Iain has worked in ecological management since 1987 and has extensive experience of habitat management, creation and restoration; ecological survey and monitoring; protected species survey, mitigation and licensing; ecological impact assessment; the provision of ecology support to local authority planning departments; and appearing as expert witness at public inquiries. He holds Natural England bat, great crested newt and dormouse licences as well as current and previous bat, great crested newt and badger mitigation licences.
Before establishing Ecoconsult, he was Conservation Manager at the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust (BBOWT).
Robert Gray
Senior Ecologist
Robert Gray is a Senior Ecologist at ecoconsult. He is an experienced surveyor and holds Natural England bat and great crested newt survey licences. He graduated from Writtle College with a first in Conservation and Environment in 2005. He has extensive experience of ecological survey including Phase 1 habitat, botanical, birds, protected species surveys (including bats, great crested newt, water vole, otter, badger and reptiles).
Maia Corbyn
Senior Ecologist
Maia Corbyn is an Ecologist with a BSc (Hons) degree in Biological Sciences (Zoology) from Edinburgh University. She holds a Natural England bat and great crested newt licences. She specialises in bat activity surveys, sound analysis of bat calls and Geographical Information Systems (GIS). Her other skills include reptile, water vole and bird surveys.
Felicity Clubb
Officer Manager
Felicity Clubb BA, MA (Ed) is the Office Manager as well as working as an Assistant Ecologist at ecoconsult. She has assisted on ecological surveys since 2008 including bats, birds, reptiles, amphibians and botanical surveys.