Ecological Services
Ecoconsult offers a complete range of services to meet national and international legislative requirements for undertaking development and ecological projects.
© Robert Gray, ecoconsult Ltd
Environmental Impact Assessments (EcIA)
Ecological impact assessments are undertaken in accordance with the guidance produced by the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management. The assessment can be presented either as an ecology chapter within an Environmental Statement or as a separate report. Our staff can prepare impact assessments in relation to projects such as housing, road / rail and mineral extraction.
Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) / BREEAM Ecology Template Reports
Code for Sustainable Homes (CSH) / BREEAM Ecology and Landscape credits focus on reducing ecological impacts and bringing about positive enhancements for biodiversity within developments.
Natural Endland Protected Species Licensing
Where there are direct impacts to protected species, mitigation plans and licences may be required. These include licences for European protected species such as bats, great crested newts, dormouse and otter to UK protected species including water vole and badger.
Ecological Clerk of Works
Ecoconsult can provide specialist advice to development site personnel to safeguard ecological features on site and aid compliance with any consents and relevant wildlife legislation.